Monthly Obsessions: 0215 Edition

By golly, where has this year gone!

Here we are at the end of February and I feel like I just celebrated the New Year. I suppose I should get on with my current obsession this month because it’ll be spring before we know it.

Monthly Obsessions: 1114 Edition


Rabbit. Rabbit. Rabbit.

It’s the first of December! Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is around the corner, but before I go into full leftover turkey coma, I figure I should share my November favorites.

Monthly Obsessions: 0914 Edition


Holy Hamsters! Where has September gone?

As always, I’m a day late in posting this. Surprise, surprise. But better late than never, right? So, Happy October and let’s get on with it then…

Monthly Obsessions: 0814 Edition


When I say obsessions, I mean obsessions. The thing is… when I like something, I like the crap out of it. Until I don’t, because I’ve overdone it. It’s a problem.

So, basically.. here are a few of my ‘problems’ this month.